Tuesday, May 8, 2007

May 12th Clean Up - McClatchy Park

May 12th, 2007

Hello everyone,
What a great year it has been for the Oak Park 2nd Saturday Cleanups. We have had over 500 volunteers come out to support our last 8 cleanups in the 2006-2007 year. We aren't done yet! Our last cleanup will be at McClatchy Park in preparation for the Celebrate Oak Park community BBQ. We will be helping the Oak Park Neighborhood Association set-up for the event as well as making sure the park and surrounding streets are free of litter. As our last event before the summer we would like all past participants and newbies to come out and volunteer for this event. After the set-up we invite all volunteers to stay for free BBQ as a thank you for your hard work and support. As always volunteers should arrive at 9:45am and sign-in underneath the white tent near the baseball fields & bathrooms.
Location: C.K. McClatchy Park
3500 5th Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95817
Time: 9:45am - 12pm (stay for the BBQ from 12pm to 4pm)

Please remember to RSVP with me by Friday, May 11th at noon! Hope to see everyone there!

Kauleen Menard
St. HOPE Academy
Volunteer Coordinator
3400 3rd Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95829